Support Wings is a (you)th-run organization driven by the belief that when young people come together for a shared goal, they can make meaningful differences. Our purpose, which began in April 2024, is to move beyond the digital world and encourage today’s youngsters to take action in the real world. We want to build a community where young people can use their passion to help those in need and be a force for positive change.
At Support Wings, it’s about more than just giving help—it’s about making true connections, spreading kindness, and illustrating that when we work together, even the simplest acts can have a long-lasting effect.
In the year 2024, a group of our friends came together with a realization that shook our perspectives. We noticed that how we would casually spend around 500 rupees every day on various things that often didn’t hold much significance. Yet, when approached by a beggar or someone in need asking for just 10 rupees, we would hesitate, and sometimes, reluctantly part with just 1 rupee.
In that moment of introspection, we pondered over the blessings we had been bestowed with and how fortunate we were to have more than we needed. We believed that our capabilities weren’t just meant for personal indulgence but also for extending a helping hand to those less fortunate.
Thus, the Support Wings initiative was born. It was a humble yet heartfelt endeavor aimed at giving back a small portion of what we had been blessed with. We named it “Giving Back!”
Once we all visited a village ,As we drove through the village, the sight that greeted us was heart-wrenching. The children, with eyes wide with wonder, ran behind our car, their innocent faces reflecting a mixture of awe and curiosity.
From that moment on, We couldn’t shake the realization of the gaping disparity between our lives and theirs. While we had everything at our fingertips, we often found ourselves chasing after more, never truly satisfied. It was a reminder of how our lives, despite being filled with material wealth, lacked the contentment and simplicity that seemed abundant in theirs.
That day etched a profound lesson in our heart—to live a life filled with satisfaction, to cherish the privileges we possess, and to be mindful of those who are less fortunate. It’s a reminder to be grateful for our abundance and to strive to make a difference in the lives of the underprivileged, for them too deserve a chance to experience the joys and comforts that we often take for granted and that day we learned a big lesson: to appreciate what we have and help those who don’t have much. So, we started a series called “RuralEmpowerment” to support villages.
During our recent trip to Kerala, we were amazed by the serene atmosphere, and the harmony with which nature and people coexisted. Everywhere we looked, there was a sense of cleanliness and orderliness that left a deep impact on us.
It was a stark contrast to what we often witness in our own city, where pollution, waste, and deforestation have taken a toll on our environment.
This experience sparked a fire within us. We couldn’t ignore the urge to make a change, to do something meaningful for our city, Yavatmal. And thus, #SustainYavatmal was born.
Our mission with #SustainYavatmal is simple yet profound. We pledge to plant trees, promote cleanliness, and raise awareness about the importance of preserving our environment. We want to create a city where the air is clean, the rivers are pristine, and every individual takes pride in contributing towards a sustainable future.
We want to work towards enabling the students and youth for a promising future.